Britt-Marie the Brave

“Britt-Marie was Here” written by Fredrik Backman is a well written and heartfelt story. It is about a newly singled middle-aged women by the name of Britt-Marie that experiences a heartbreaking event and finds herself needing to get a job. She is a stay-at-home wife and step-mother that has never had a job before. So this is a new experience for her. The job that she winds-up finding is working in a recreation center in a poor little village on the side of the road. 

It is through this little village that she meets the most inspiring people that she as ever met before. These people make her feel welcome and make her see the world in a whole new light. There is also a

The one thing that I notice reading this book is that there are a lot of similarities between Britt-Marie in “Britt-Marie was Here” and Ove in “A Man Called Ove” also written by Fredrik Backman. Both stories take the reader on a journey through the main characters life. They both suffered an unpleasant childhood which made them the closed off people they became in their adulthood. Britt-Marie suffered through the tragic death of her sister at a young age and Ove didn’t have easiest of childhoods either. They both find  love and got married. After tragic events they both after to mange through life by themselves. In both stories the most unexpected of people help open these characters up and express their feelings in ways that are completely new.

I would truly recommend these two stories if you are looking for a meaningful and sometimes feel-good but also heartbreaking stories.

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